sixthreezero Bicycle Warranty Part Process

Video Blog
February 25, 2021
sixthreezero Bicycle Warranty Part Process

 Hey guys, Dustin here, CEO of six three zero. I am joined today with Peter, our head of QC and Customer Service. And today we're going to talk to you about our warranty part process.

As I said, I'm joined with Peter, our head of Customer Service and Quality Control. Today we're going to dive into our warranty part process and explain it a little bit more to everyone about how do we process warranty parts? How long does it take to ship to you? And just overall what goes into the process of if you have a damaged part or a part that broke or something of that nature, what does that process look like to go through us and get a new part? And there are some things that we just want to let you know about so everyone can have more insight into what goes into it. So, Pete, I'll hand it off to you and you can take it away.

Ultimately of course we'd love for every single bicycle to show up perfect and that's would be our goal and most bikes do. However, it does happen that there can be shipping damage or even a missing part or a factory defect. That's just how the world is. And so when you submit a warranty with us, we go ahead and take care of it as quickly as we can. We generally will either have the part on hand or it may even take it off of another bike, but we'll make sure that the part is brand new. And then we send it to you and there will be a lag time, of course, for the shipping, maybe it'll take three or four or five days to get to you. So that's the general process.

There are a lot of ways to get a bike riding though, that's the main thing too, is also to get the bike rideable, to get it going, there are a lot of options that we have for you. We have a lot of different colors, for instance, a lot of different colored racks, different colored fenders and things like that. Sometimes things can get out of stock, maybe a colored rack. We can send you a rack that will work in the meantime, different color while we're waiting for the correct color to restock. If for instance, something goes out of stock. So the goal is to always have plenty of warranty parts on hand, but sometimes there's extremely high volume and that doesn't happen. But we're here to make sure that we can get you riding and get the bike as great as it can be for now. And then also follow up later on if we need to.

Yeah. I think the important... I'm the CEO of the company and without a doubt, I stand behind our product a hundred percent, and no matter what, we will get every rider riding and we'll get your bike to a hundred percent functionality. I can say that. I don't want to be running a company where we don't take that commitment seriously. So to Pete's point, it may not get there in the next five hours, but we will make it happen. And no matter what we'll take care of every rider out there. Anything else you want to add?

Just that we'll work with you. If there are other solutions that you want to pursue, or just talk to our agents, we have plenty of them now that we've built up for extra volume. If we need a creative solution, we can work on that and find a creative solution. Just make sure that we make things right for you.

So if you have any specific questions or you're in the process of waiting on a warranty part, or you want to know anything else, please comment below. We'll be happy to get back to you. You can also call us at (310) 982-2877. You can email us at and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. You can also live chat with us. So thank you. And don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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sixthreezero Bicycle Warranty Part Process