How Do The Men’s Bikes Compare To Women’s Bikes?

Choosing a Bike
August 23, 2017
How Do The Men’s Bikes Compare To Women’s Bikes?
How Do The Men’s Bikes Compare To Women’s Bikes?

At sixthreezero, we are committed to offering top-ranking beach cruisers for the entire family. Our bikes are crafted from the ground up, offering the utmost in comfort, style, and safety. Here is a brief comparison of men’s and women’s bikes to help you out:

Men’s and Women’s Bike: What’s the Difference?

The top tube is the part on your beach cruiser that connects the seat to the handlebars. If you’re on the bike, it’s the bar that is between your legs. On women’s bikes, the bar will be slanted downward toward the seat for easier mounting. On men’s bikes, the bar runs parallel to the ground.

Our Men’s Bikes

From our top selling EVRYjourney to the no-fuss Around the Block cruiser, our men’s bicycles are built for macho style and mega appeal.

Our Women’s Bikes

Available in a plethora of colors, our fashion forward and female-friendly lady’s bikes are classy and timeless.

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How Do The Men’s Bikes Compare To Women’s Bikes?