Guide To Biking University Of Texas Austin Campus
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Everything is bigger in Texas, including love for the great outdoors. Thankfully some of the state’s institutions of higher learning are making it easy to expand your pedal count along with your mind. The University of Texas at Austin is going all in on cycling on campus. Not only can you rent a bike from the school, but students and staff are encouraged to bike to class and racks are available. Here are some tips for biking in Austin while you’re on campus:
Take Advantage of the Bike Sharing Program
The University of Texas at Austin unveiled a bike sharing program called Austin B-Cycle in early 2018. Enrolled students can participate for free, gaining access to 500 bikes across the city for use in 60-minute increments. In addition to offering bikes for students, this program lets non-students take part for a small annual fee. B-Cycle kiosks include locations at Guadalupe and 21st Street, Dean Keeton and Whitis, and 23rd and the Rio Grande.
Register Your Own Bike
The campus also recommends that students and faculty register their own bicycles. By registering your bike with the school, you increase the chances that it will be returned to you in the event that it is lost or stolen. In addition to registering your bike, it’s recommended that you double lock it when you go home for the holidays or during long periods of non-use.
Follow the Cycling Rules on Campus
You can stay safe during your rides and avoid citations by following the cycling rules around campus. The University of Texas at Austin is very bike friendly, but they still expect you to note:
- The speed limit across campus is 15 miles per hour. If you are going slower than that, you should hug the right shoulder so it’s easier for other people to pass you.
- You are not allowed to pass buses on the right, even when they are obstructing the bike lane as they make a necessary stop.
- Bikes are considered vehicles and as such you must yield to pedestrians on paths.
- You should use the universal hand signals when you turn or stop while in route.
- Texas state law requires one white light with a red reflector on the front of your bike and a red light on the back of your bike for use after dark.
Are you ready to saddle up on campus in Austin? Sixthreezero has a customizable bike to make your journey easy. Our cruisers and city bikes are perfect for short journeys across paved streets and paths. Check out our bikes for college students today, such as the sixthreezero Paisley Single Speed Women's 26" Beach Cruiser Bike. Not only can you customize the color of your bike, but you can also choose accessories that make it your own.
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