30 Great Benefits Of Cycling
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There’s more to riding than just the benefits of bike exercise. Cycling stimulates your brain, strengthens relationships and helps the planet.
Whatever your riding goal, you’ll likely find that you excel at what you intended plus find benefits in other areas.
Here are 30 great reasons to ride that include the health benefits of bike riding but go way beyond:
- Cut Down on Pollution
Bike riders do a great service to the earth by cutting down on pollution in the form of toxic gas and exhaust.
- Avoid Breathing Pollution
Cyclists actually breathe in less noxious gas and pollution than riders in personal cars, taxis, and buses.
- You Can Eat More Salt
Riders who drink a lot of water should protect against hyponatremia (too much water) by ingesting sodium-rich foods. Yay chips!
- Beat Rush Hour Traffic
You’ll fly by rush hour traffic on your bike. Most bike riders can get to their morning or early-evening destination in half the time when riding a bike.
- Bowel Stimulation
Proper digestion depends on movement, so ride and get your heart rate and breathing going. It’ll stimulate your bowels and reduce blockages.
- Boost Brain Power
Pedal to improve performance on mental tests. Cycling promotes new brain cell development in the hippocampus, the area of your brain responsible for memory.
- Curb Illness
Moderate exercise boosts your immune system, which helps you fight infection and other illnesses.
- Live Longer
Riders who cycle just 3 times per week for 45 minutes a day are “biologically younger” according to a study completed by King’s College London.
- Sleep More Soundly
You’ll catch some quality sleep after a ride. Those who suffer from insomnia can improve their condition and get more rest by riding just 20 minutes every other day.
- Look Younger
Increased circulation due to riding effectively delivers nutrients and oxygen to skin cells, which flushes toxins out and improves skin appearance.
- Help the Planet
Riding a bike doesn’t produce any pollution and it only takes 1/20 of the resources to produce a bike as it does to produce a car.
- Easier Pregnancy
Pregnant women who regularly exercise have a general feeling of wellbeing during their pregnancy and less complicated labors according to Michigan University research.
- Ward off Cancer
Many studies have shown that exercise is good for warding off cancer, but some actually state that cycling is good for keeping cells working in proper order.
- Lose Weight
Cycling can help you lose weight without putting your body through the beating that jogging or running inflicts.
- Make Money
Ohio State University research suggests that obese people who lost weight were generally happier and that happiness translated into increased wealth opportunities.
- Family Time Together
Riding is a great way to get an entire family out to spend time together. From toddlers on trikes to elderly family members on cruiser bikes, multi-generational fun can be had through riding.
- Be Better at Sports
Through riding, you can increase strength and endurance, and improve your tennis, golf, basketball or other game.
- Make Space for Creativity
Musicians, writers, artists, and entrepreneurs break through mental blocks through exercise and escape time.
- Energize Your Mind and Body
It may sound counterintuitive to go for a ride when you’re tired, but it really does help energize your mind and body.
- Help Heart Disease
Riding only 20 miles per week reduces the risk of heart disease by roughly 50 percent.
- Be More Productive
Bikers who ride on their lunch break come back to work more energized and productive, and ready to deal with stresses on the job.
- Quality Time with a Partner
You don’t have to be part of a marathon couple to enjoy riding with your partner. Cycling with special company is a perfect kind of date.
- Ride for a Cause
Many charities hold riding events to raise money for their causes. Join and ride, and feel better about helping those less fortunate.
- Get Fit for Free
Riding is a great way to get fit without having to pay for a gym membership.
- Breathe Better
Boost lung capacity and health by riding. Cycling helps your lungs work more efficiently, meaning oxygen gets to where it needs to go easier.
- Burn Fat
You’ll continue to burn fat and calories for a couple of hours after a 30-minute ride.
- A Positive Addiction
Anyone dealing with crippling dependencies like alcohol, cigarettes, and even food should take up biking and replace vices with positive behaviors.
- Get a Harmless High
Riders can get that “runner’s high” too. All endurance athletes increase opiate binding of the happy hormone.
- Make Friends
Cycling is a great social activity that benefits the rider by increased health and stronger relationships.
- Emotional Ease
When you’re miserable, go for a ride. You’ll find your spirits lifted as the feel-good endorphins run through your body.
Ready to get these cycling benefits for ladies and men? Hop on our sixthreezero Classic Edition 3 Speed Women's 26" Beach Cruiser Bike or sixthreezero Scholar 3 Speed Women's 26" Beach Cruiser Bike and get riding?
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